Owned and founded by Valery Zhytkovich (EW6W)

Tag: cq9a

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new video 15m band testing on tribander

Testing tribander on 15m. Valery EW6W works with personal call as CT9ACD

New mast

Raising the new mast by 15 meters. On the mast EU4CK

Portugal Day Contest

8 June 2024 CQ9A at Portugal Day Contest. TX 59 STM

CQ9A: spiderbeam poles

A bit outdated video about materials for 4SQ antennas

New mast for the 5 elements Yagi

EW6W raises the mast for the 5 elements Yagi on 10 M band

CQ9A – 40M 4SQ antenna

Here is new video about 4SQ (4 Square) on 40m band designed by EW6W (CT9ACD)


Gennady P. Kienko (EU4CK ) – chief constructor of the station CQ9A

CQ9A cw video from EW5A

reception of CQ9A signal at station EW5A during WPX

CQ WPX CW 2024 – raw results

Raw test results have appeared

First activity – CQ WPX CW

CQ9A took part in the WPX contest in category 80M HP, op Dmitry DJ1 CW